Ýëåêòðîííûé æóðíàë íà àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå «C.I.T.Y.»

"Love Nature" - "Ëþáèòå Ïðèðîäó "

Ãëàâíûé ðåäàêòîð æóðíàëà  «C.I.T.Y.»
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Unique Natural Reserves and National Parks
    Our planet is a wonderful place to live. Seas and oceans, mountains and plains, forests and deserts… Different climatic zones… Amazing animals! Lots of countries can boast different national parks and natural reserves, yet some of them remain unknown. Our journalists have visited some of them, here are their impressions!
In “Kanichuva“ national park visitors can:    
    • Play different games, for example, football, basketball and chess with monkeys. If a visitor loses, a monkey will hit him / her with a banana. If you are a winner, it doesn’t make any difference as you will be beaten by monkeys too.
    • Swim with crocodiles and alligators.
    • Bungee jump
    • Play pinball with zebras
    In “Lollipop“natural reserve you will have a kangaroo as a guide. It tells visitors about animals, the history of “Lollipop” and at the end of the excursion the kangaroo takes pictures of visitors. This reserve is also famous for koala cubs drawing visitors and selling them their portraits.
    In “Ice Age 3”national park visitors can:
    • Take a ride on white bears
    • Watch the real ice aurora borealis
    • Skate with seals
    • Play hockey with walruses.
        by Nastya Oskina
© Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã     ãèìíàçèÿ ¹157 èì. Å.Ì. Îëüäåíáóðãñêîé     01.2011