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The monument that makes your wishes come true



Chizhyk-Pyzhyk, where have you been? –
Drank vodka on the Fontanka:
Drained a glass, another one –
Got a headache.

   Unknown author =)

(by Peter Sidorov)


        Chizhyk-Pyzhyk is one of the smallest and the most famous monuments in Saint-Petersburg. It was put up near the 1st Engineering Bridge on the Fontanka River by a Georgian film director and script writer Rezo Gabriadze in 1994. This small monument is devoted to students of the Imperial School of Jurisprudence. They wore green uniforms with yellow buttonholes, so they were often compared with a small bird called siskin (chizhyk).
Here are some interesting facts about Chizhyk-Pyzhyk:

  • 1.If a coin thrown at the monument doesn’t fall into the water, your wish will come true.
  • 2.The height of the monument is 11 centimeters and the weight is 15 kilos.
  • 3.The monument has been stolen 7 times.

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